Digital Transformations for Health Lab (DTH-Lab) and Global Initiative on Digital Health
27 March 2024
The convergence of digital health with global health objectives such as Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has become increasingly evident over the past two decades, culminating in a WHA resolution on digital health. While over 120 World Health Organization (WHO) Member States have developed national digital health policies or strategies, many lack robust costings or architectural plans, hindering effective implementation. Fragmentation in resource allocation and variable quality of digital solutions further challenge the acceleration of digital health transformation. Moving beyond product-focused initiatives, countries are recognizing the need and asking for support to establish national digital health infrastructures. Youth are also calling for greater involvement in the design and governance of digital health transformations.
Endorsed by the Seventy-third WHA, the Global Strategy on Digital Health 2020-2025 articulates four strategic objectives to provide guidance and coordination on global digital health transformation and strengthen synergies between initiatives and stakeholders:
Created as a vehicle to help accelerate the implementation of the Global Strategy on Digital Health, the Global Initiative on Digital Health (GIDH) aims to focus country-level efforts and align resources toward country-led digital health transformation through strengthened collaboration and knowledge exchange.
As a WHO Managed Network formally kicked off on 20 February 2024, GIDH aims to achieve the following objectives through collaborative efforts:
In line with the recommendations of the Lancet and Financial Times Commission on Governing health futures 2030: Growing up in a digital world, The Digital Transformations for Health Lab (DTH-Lab)’s vision for 2030 is that digital transformations are led by Health for All values and enable digital first health systems to deliver equitable benefits for the health, well-being and safety of young people and their communities.
To realise this vision, the DTH-Lab is working towards three objectives during its first phase (July 2023 to December 2026). For each objective, the Lab will focus on driving changes in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) with large youth populations:
This meeting will bring together Geneva-based partners and stakeholders working at the intersection of health and digital governance.
Meeting objectives:
A joint statement will highlight areas of consensus among stakeholders and agreed priorities for governance action.
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