Addressing the direct and indirect ways that digital transformations influence equity in health and well-being
The Commission’s analysis highlighted the impact of digital transformations on young people, a group that is typically more connected than older populations. The GHFutures2030 Commission called for action to address the digital determinants of health: the direct and indirect ways by which digital transformations influence equity in health and well-being.
The digital determinants of health, and their impacts on different groups, must be better understood within the context of the major societal and structural changes that the digital transformation embodies and drives. Addressing these determinants constitutes an urgent challenge for health promoters, healthcare providers, policymakers and communities. It is also a key factor that tech companies need to be aware of to act responsibly.
The DTH-Lab is bringing together academics and practitioners from different disciplines to develop a conceptual framework for the digital determinants of health to guide policy action and future research priorities. It is also generating new knowledge and evidence on how digital determinants intersect with other determinants to impact health and well-being and why they ultimately require new forms of governance. To address critical evidence gaps, the DTH-Lab is partnering with organizations in India and Nigeria to study young people’s experiences of digital determinants in different contexts.
What are digital determinants of health and how do they interact with other determinants?
How do young people (including adolescents, young women and girls and marginalized groups) in different contexts experience digital determinants of health?
Main research
What evidence exists on the impact of different digital determinants of health and young people’s health and well-being?
How could a longitudinal study be designed to close critical knowledge gaps?
What are digital determinants of health and how do they interact with other determinants?
How do young people (including adolescents, young women and girls and marginalized groups) in different contexts experience digital determinants of health?
Main research
What evidence exists on the impact of different digital determinants of health and young people’s health and well-being?
How could a longitudinal study be designed to close critical knowledge gaps?